Digital Eye Strain
The digital world surrounds us, and we recognize that extended screen use is unavoidable and can strain your eyes. Anti-Fatigue lenses aid in preventing the overexertion of specific eye muscles responsible for focus. By providing dual focal points for both near and far vision, these lenses enable individuals to keep their eyes relaxed and optimize their screen time.
Digital Lifestyle
With digital screens everywhere, we can be forced into strange postures and gaze directions that contend for our attention. An individual is constantly refocusing between near and far in a digitally-augmented world.
This new digital environment has lead to eye strain and visual fatigue.

Freeform lens techniques have given lenses designed to meet the specific demands of a digital lifestyle.
Anti-fatigue lenses assist individuals by reducing power errors and unwanted astigmatism distortions typically found at the periphery of regular single-vision lenses, all while providing dual focus points for near and far vision.
Customized Comfort
Experience customized comfort with our digital eye strain lenses at Frameworks Eyewear. Our skilled opticians take a personalized approach when selecting Anti-fatigue lens designs. Whether you're navigating the digital world or seeking relief from eye strain, our lenses will ensure every moment in front of a screen is as comfortable as possible